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Dec 25, 2014

efm32 an0060 encrypt aes128 support

In AN0060, there is a encrypt.exe which support AES256 only. But for ZG device supports AES128, we need to make a change and generate new exe file. The steps as follows:
  • Download libtom source code
    Goto, get latest version 1.17.
  • Extract it and generate directory “libtomcrypt-1.17”
  • Run msys under windows.
    Here we use the msys from Railsinstaller directory
$ C:\RailsInstaller\DevKit\msys.bat
  • In msys window, enter libtomcrypt-1.17, edit makefile.
    Uncomment line 12 and 13, save and close it.
  • Generate libtomcrypt.a file
$ make
The generated lib file in “libtomcrypt-1.17” directory.
  • Copy AN0060 encrypt.c into “libtomcrypt-1.17” directory.
    The file can be found in C:\SiliconLabs\SimplicityStudio\v2\developer\sdks\efm32\v2\an\an0060_efm32_aes_bootloader\src\encrypt\encrypt.c
  • Modify encrypt.c to support AES128, save and close it.
    On line 51 change the AES_KEY_SIZE from 32 to 16
-#define AES_KEY_SIZE 32
+#define AES_KEY_SIZE 16
  • Generate encrypt.exe
$ gcc -o encrypt encrypt.c -I./src/headers  -L./ -ltomcrypt
The generated encrypt.exe in “libtomcrypt-1.17” directory.

Jun 24, 2014

Implementing USB communication device class (CDC) on EFM32GG MCUs

1. Introduction

USB revolutionized the PC peripheral space by making a very simple plug-and-play interface for users. As a result, many modern computers no longer support RS-232 serial COM ports, opting for the slimmer USB alternative. This can be an issue for the developer who needs a COM port for communication between a peripheral and host PC. A subset of the USB Communication DeviceClass (CDC) can be used to emulate a serial port providing a virtual COM port UART interface. This allows developers to use legacy applications with new products using the same COM port interface as before, with few hardware and software modifications.
Figure 1 USB CDC Virtual COM Port System
This application note describes the USB communications device class driver (or USB CDC) in detail and includes an implementation example for the Silicon Labs EFM32 Giant Gecko MCU.

1.1. Assumptions

This document assumes the following:
  • A working knowledge of the C programming language.
  • Familiarity with the USB 2.0 specification and terms and abbreviations defined by the USB specification.
  • Familiarity with Silicon Labs EFM32GG development environment.

1.2. Features and Limitations

The CDC firmware implemented with this application note includes the following features:
  • Emulates a serial COM port on PC that supports the CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM).
  • Provides an abstract communication interface for data transfers between the host and the device.
  • Handles standard Chapter 9 USB device requests.
  • Handles CDC-specific requests from USB host.
  • Notifies the USB host of status using an interrupt endpoint.
  • Provides data communication with the USB host using a bulk endpoint.
  • The following baud rates are supported: 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115200 and 230400 bps.
The example does not implement the following:
  • No CTS/RTS control is performed, so flow control must be set to nonein the terminal program.
  • RTS/DTR control is not implemented.

2. Relevant Documentation

EFM32 Giant Gecko Application Notes are listed on the following website:
  • AN758 IMPLEMENTING USB COMMUNICATION DEVICE CLASS (CDC) ON SiM3U1XX MCUs -- provides an implementation example on porting LUFA USB CDC on SiM3U1xx MCUs.
  • AN0822 SIMPLICITY STUDIO USER’S GUIDE -- provides a description of the Simplicity Studio IDE features and environment.
  • AN0065 EFM32 as USB Device -- provides a description of the EFM32 USB Device stack.

3. USB CDC Class

The USB communications device class (CDC) is a composite USB device class, and the class may include more than one interface. The CDC is used primarily for modems, but also for ISDN, fax machines, and telephony applications for performing regular voice calls. The Abstract Control Model subclass of CDC and bridges the gap between legacy modem devices and USB devices, enabling the use of application programs designed for older modems.

3.1. Class Requests

The class requests and class notifications supported are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Abstract Control Model Requests
SET_LINE_CODING20hConfigures baud rate, stop-bits, parity, and numberof-character bits.
GET_LINE_CODING21hRequests current DTE rate, stop-bits, parity, and number-of-character bits.
SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE22hRS232 signalused to tell the DCE device the DTE device is now present.
These class-specific requests are used for device and call management.

3.1.1. Set Line Coding

This request allows the host to specify typical asynchronous line-character formatting properties.
00100001bSET_LINE_CODING0interfacesize of structureline coding structure
Table 2 defines the line coding properties.
Table 2. Line Coding Format
0dwDTERate4NumberData terminal rate, in bits per second.
4bCharFormat1Number0: 1 Stop bit
1: 1.5 Stop bits
2: 2 Stop bits
1: Odd
2: Even
3: Mark
4: Space
6bDataBits1NumberData bits (5, 6, 7, 8 or 16).

3.1.2. Get Line Coding

This request allows the host to find out the currently configured line coding. Table 2 defines the line coding properties.
10100001bGET_LINE_CODING0interfacesize of structureline coding structure

3.1.3. Set Control Line State

This request generates RS-232/V.24 style control signals. Table 3 defines control signal bitmap.
00100001bSET_LINE_CONTROL_STATEcontrol signal bitmapinterface0none
Table 3. Control Signal Bitmap
Bit PositionDescription
15:2Reserved (Reset to zero).
1Carrier control for half duplex modems. This signal corresponds to V.24 signal 105 and RS232 signal RTS.
0: Deactivate carrier.
1: Activate carrier.
The device ignores the value of this bit when operating in full duplex mode.
0Indicates to DCE if DTE is present or not.This signal corresponds to V.24 signal 108/2 and RS232 signal DTR.
0: DTE is not present.
1: DTE is present

3.2. Class Notifictions

Table 4 shows the class notifications supported by the Abstract Control Model.
Table 4. Abstract Control Model Notifications
SERIAL_STATE20hReturns the current state of the carrier detects, DSR, break, and ring signal.

Serial State

This notification sends an asynchronous message containing the current UART status.
10100001bSERIAL_STATE0interface2UART state bitmap
The data field for this notification is a bitmapped value that contains the current state of detects transmission carrier, break, ring signal, and device overrun error. These signals are typically found on a UART and are used for communication status reporting. A state is considered enabled if its respective bit is set to 1.
Note: The firmware example included with this application does not currently support state change
Table 5. UART State Bitmap
Bit PositionFieldDescription
15:7Reserved (future use).
6bOverRunReceived data has been discarded due to overrun in the device.
5bParityA parity error occurred.
4bFramingA framing error occurred.
3bRingSignalState of ring signal detection of the device.
2bBreakState of break detection mechanism of the device.
1bTxCarrierState of transmission carrier. This signal corresponds to V.24 signal 106 and RS232 signal DSR.
0bRxCarrierState of receiver carrier detection mechanism of device. This signal corresponds to V.24 signal 109 and RS232 signal DCD

3.3. Endpoint Configuration

Table 6 illustrates the endpoint configuration for the Abstract Control Model.
Table 6. UART State Bitmap
EndpointDirectionTypeMax Packet SizeDescription
EP0In/OutControl64Standard requests, class requests.
EP1InInterrupt16State notification from device to host.
EP2InBulk64Data transferfrom device to host.
EP3OutBulk64Data transfer from host to device.
Figure 2 shows a standard CDC communication flow.
Figure 2. USB CDC Communication FLow

4. LUFA USB Stack

The USB CDC firmware example is based on the LUFA open-source project. LUFA is an open-source complete USB stack released under the permissive MIT License. It includes support for many USB classes, both for USB Hosts and USB Devices. For USB Devices, the LUFA stack includes support for Audio Class, CDC Class, HID Class, Mass Storage Class, MIDI Class, and RNDIS Class. More information about the LUFA project can be found on the official website:
  • The USB CDC project contains a prebuilt LUFA USB stack documentation which locate at .\LUFA\Documentation\html. Double click on the index.html, the documentations shows in your default browser.
LUFA documentation
Figure 3. USB LUFA Libary Documentation
  • This implementation support two boards of EFM32GG, STK3700 and DK3750. Default setting is DK3750, To change board selection, just modify macro definition in .\LUFA\Common\BoardTypes.h.
#if !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
    #define BOARD_                 BOARD_DK3750
    #if !defined(BOARD)
        #define BOARD              BOARD_DK3750
For STK3700 board, there is no UART socket on board. UART signals are connected to EXP Header.
Figure 4. USART signals on STK3700 Expansion Header

5. USB CDC Driver

The CDC class is implemented in all releases of Windows, and the operatingsystem needs an INF file for the CDC driver. This INF file contains the Vendor ID and Product ID. If the VID/PID of the USB devices matches the INF file, Windows will load the driver described in the file. The VirtualSerial.inf file can be found in the.\Demos\Device\LowLevel\EFM32Demos\VCP directory.

Installing the Driver

To install the driver on Windows 7:
  1. Build the project and download firmware to the EFM32GG DK3750 board.
  2. Connect the USB cable between the Device MCU plugin board USB connector and the PC.
  3. Open Device Manager. The device will appear under Other devices as the EFM32GG CDC DeviceDevice Manager
  4. Right-click on the EFM32GG CDC Device and select Update Driver SoftwareDevice Manager Update
  5. Select Browse my computer for driver softwareUpdata Driver Software
  6. Select Browse my computer for driver softwareBrowse Driver Software
  7. Windows will display a warning. Select Install this driversoftware anywayWindows Sercurity
  8. When the driver finishes installing,Windows will report the installation results.
  9. Open Device Manager and observethe device. It will now appear under Ports (COM & LPT) with an assigned COM port number. Device Manager Done

Source code

Source code can be found in 

Github page in 


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Mar 14, 2014

Programming internal SRAM over SWD

1. Introduction
This documentation describe how to programming ARM Cortex M3 internal SRAM over SWD(Serial Wire Debug) interface. For this purpose, something we too know.
·         SWD communication protocol. We need to know Low level timing requirement, that is foundation to exchange command and data between debugger and target MCU.
·         Read/write data from/to internal SRAM. We need to know how to program firmware into desired address, like SRAM(0x20000000). That needs us to know SW-DAP registers usage. Pass address and data over those registers and then into internal SRAM.
·         Make code running from SRAM. We need to change vector table entry from internal flash to SRAM; And SP and PC also needed change to SRAM location. That need us to know the cortex M3 debug and system registers usage.
We choose Silabs SiM3U167 as target MCU in this implementation. We implement a high level protocol with python script, it calls Silabs provided DLL file interface to access Silabs USB Debug Adapter. Also, we provide a firmware running from C8051F380, it contains a full implementation on both low level communicating timing and high level programming SRAM protocol.
2. Serial Wire Debug overview
Serial Wire Debug (SWD) is a 2-pin (SWDIO/SWCLK) electrical alternative JTAG interface that has the same JTAG protocol on top. SWD uses an ARM CPU standard bi-directional wire protocol, defined in the ARM Debug Interface v5. This enables the debugger to become another AMBA bus master for access to system memory and peripheral or debug registers.
The Debug Access Port(DAP) is split into two main control units. the Debug Port (DP) and the Access Port (AP), and the physical connection to the debugger is part of the DP. The DAP supports two types of access, Debug Port (DP) accesses and Access Port (AP)accesses. External device to communicate directly with Serial Wire Debug Port(SW-DP) over SWDIO/SCLK pins. And SW-DP in turn can access one or several Access Ports(APs) the give access to the rest of the system. The MEM-AP is important AP which provide a way to access all memory and peripheral registers residing on the internal AHB/APB buses.
Figure 1 ARM Debug Interface MEM-AP Implementation
One of the four registers within the DP is the AP Select Register, SELECT. This register specifies a particular Access Port, and a bank of four 32-bit words within the register map of that AP. It enables up to 256 Access Ports to be implemented, and gives access to any one of 16 four-word banks of registers on the selected AP.
3. SWD protocol
This section gives an overview of the bi-directional operation of the protocol. It illustrates each of the possible sequences of operations on the Serial Wire Debug interface data connection.
3.1. Connection and line reset sequence
The SW-DP must use connection sequence of 50 clock cycles with data = 1. And this sequence is also used as a line reset sequence which requires 50 consecutive 1s on the data input.
JTAG to SWD switching
SWJ-DP enables either an SWD or JTAG protocol to be used on the debug port. To do this, it implements a watcher circuit that detects a specific 16-bit selection sequence on the SWDIOTMSpin:
The 16-bit JTAG-to-SWD select sequence is defined to be 0b0111100111100111, MSB first. This can be represented as 16'h79E7 if transmitted MSB first or 16'hE79E if transmitted LSB first.
The host must read IDCODE register after line request sequence. This requirement gives confirmation that correct packet frame alignment has been achieved.
3.2. Successful transaction operation
A successful transaction contains three phases.
·         Host sending an eight-bit write packet request to target.
·         Target response with a three-bit OK acknowledge to host.
·         A 33-bit data phase, either from host or target depends on write/read operation.
Figure 2 Serial Wire Debug successful write operation
3.2.1. Packet request phase
The request phase consists of 8 bits. The meaning of each bit in the request is illustrated below.
·         Start -- A single start bit, with value 1.
·         APnDP -- A single bit, indicating whether the Debug Port or the Access Port Access Register is to be accessed. 1 for accessing AP.
·         RnW -- A single bit, this bit is 0 for an write access, or 1 for a read access.
·         A[2:3] -- Two bits, giving the A[3:2] address field for the DP or AP register address.
·         Parity -- A single odd parity bit is made over the APnDP, RnW and A[2:3] bits. The number of bits set to 1 is odd, then the parity bit is set to 1.
·         Stop -- A single stop bit. In the synchronousSWD protocol this is always 0.
·         Park -- A single bit, with value 1.
3.2.2. Acknowledge response phase
ACK phase is a three-bit(LSB-first) target to host response. Three type ACK response.
·         OK Response -- It indicates successful operation, value is b001.
·         WAIT response -- The host must retry the operation later, value is b010.
·         FAULT response -- If the target responds with FAULT, an error has occurred and one of the sticky bits in CTRL/STAT is set. The host can check the sticky error bits to see what kind of error has occurred. It must clear the sticky bits in ABORT register before using any AP commands, because the target will always respond with FAULT as long as one of the sticky error bits are set. Value is b100.
3.2.3. Data transfer phase
It contains 32 data bits and 1 parity bit. The The parity check is made over the 32 data bits. The number of bits set to 1 is odd, then the parity bit is set to 1.
3.2.4. Turnaround period
From figure above, there is Trn -- Turnaround period between each phase. Every time the SWDIO changes data direction, a one-cycle turnaround period is inserted which both sides should ignore. This means there is always a turnaround period between the request and acknowledge. On a write request, there is a turnaround period between acknowledge and the data phase. On a read request there is a a turnaround after the data phase.
4. Serial Write Debug Port(SW-DP) Registers
This section will give a brief overview over the SW-DP registers.
Table 1 SW-DP registers
4.1. The Identification Code Register, IDCODE
IDCODE register provides a identification information about SW-DP. On the EFM32 or SiM3U devices with a Cortex-M3 or Cortex-M4 core this register should read 0x2BA01477. For devices with a CortexM0+ core the register should read 0x0BC11477.
4.2. The AP Abort Register, ABORT
ABORT register main purpose is to force a DAP abort, and on a SW-DP it is also used to clear error and sticky flag conditions. Here are the bit assignments of AP Abort register.
Table 2 ABORT register bit assignments
Write 1 to this bit to clear the STICKYORUN overrun error flag to 0.
Write 1 to this bit to clear the WDATAERR write data error flag to 0
Write 1 to this bit to clear the STICKYERR sticky error flag to 0.
Write 1 to this bit to clear the STICKYCMP sticky compare flag to 0.
Write 1 to this bit to generate a DAP abort. This aborts the current AP transaction. Do this only if the debugger has received WAIT responses over an extended period.
You might want to find what caused the flag to be set to 1. Typically:
·         For the STICKYCMP or STICKYERR flag, you must find which location was accessed to cause the flag to be set to 1.
·         For the WDATAERR flag, you must resend the corrupted data.
·         For the STICKYORUN flag, you must find which DP or AP transaction caused the overflow. You then have to repeat your transactions from that point.
4.3. The Control/Status Register, CTRL/STAT
CTRL/STAT register provides control of the DP and status information about the DP.
Figure 3 Control/Status Register bit assignments
·         Bit [28] CDBGPWRUPREQ is the signal from the debug interface to the power controller, used to request the system power controller to fully power-up and enable clocks in the debug power domain.
·         Bit [30] CSYSPWRUPREQ is the signal from the debug interface to the power controller, used to request the system power controller to fully power-up and enable clocks in the system power domain.
The debugger must write a 1 to the CDBGPWRUPREQ and CSYSPWRUPREQ bits before using the AHB-AP. The STICKYERR bit is set if an error is returned by a AP transaction. While the STICKYERR bit is set any SWD request will return a FAULT response. To clear the STICKYERR bit, use the ABORT register.
4.4. The AP Select Register, SELECT
SELECT register specifies a particular Access Port, and a bank of four 32-bit words within the register map of that AP. It enables up to 256 Access Ports to be implemented, and gives access to any one of 16 four-word banks of registers on the selected AP.
Table 3 Bit assignments for the AP Select Register, SELECT
Selects the current AP.
Selects the active four-word register bank on the current AP
4.5. The Read Buffer, RDBUFF
RDBUFF register return the result of a previous read, without initiating a new AP transaction.
If you require the value from an AP register read, that A read of the DP Read Buffer must be followed.
5. Memory Access Port(MEM-AP) Registers
A MEM-AP provides a DAP with access to a memory subsystem. Since memory, peripherals and debug components are all memory mapped, the MEM-AP can be used to both program and debug Cortex M3.
Table 4 MEM-AP registers
Control/Status Word Register
Transfer Address Register
Data Read/Write Register
Identification Register
5.1. Control/Status Word (CSW) Register
CSW register configures and controls accesses through the MEM-AP to or from a connect memory system.
Table 5 Bit assignments for the MEM-AP Control/Status Word Register, CSW
Bus access protection control. This field enables the debugger to specify protection flags for a debug access.
Address auto-increment and packing mode.
b000: 8 bits; b001: 16 bits; b010: 32 bits
5.2. The Transfer Address Register (TAR)
TAR register holds the memory address to be accessed. The contents of TAR can be incremented automatically on a successful DRW access with b01 set in AddrInc field of CSW register.
5.3. The Data Read/Write Register (DRW)
DRW register is used to either write or read from the address held in TAR. To write a value to an internal memory address, first write the address to the TAR register, then write the value to DRW. To read a memory address, first write the address to TAR, then read the value in DRW.
5.4. The Identification Register, (IDR)
IDR register identifies the Access Port. To read this register, the APBANKSEL field should be set to 0xF. And then IDR register can be read with address 0x0C(ADDR[3:2] = b11). The IDR register should return the value 0x24770011 on devices with a Cortex-M3 or Cortex-M4 core. On devices with a Cortex-M0+ it should return 0x0477003
6. Debug and system Registers
This section will go through the Cortex M3 Debug registers. With debug registers, we can set core into halt mode and can change core registers, like SP or PC.
Table 6 Debug and system registers
Debug Halting Control and Status Register
Debug Core Register Selector Register
Debug Core Register Data Register
Debug Exception and Monitor Control Register
Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register
6.1. Debug Halting Control and Status Register, DHCSR
DHCSR register controls halting debug. Halting debug is enabled when C_DEBUGEN is set to 1.
Table 7 DHCSR bit assignments
Debug key: A debugger must write 0xA05Fto this field to enable write accesses to bits [15:0], otherwise the processor ignores the write access.
A handshake flag for transfers through the DCRDR: 0 = There has been a write to the DCRDR, but the transfer is not complete; 1 = The transfer to or from the DCRDR is complete.
Halting debug enable bit: 1 = Enabled
6.2. Debug Core Register Selector Register, DCRSR
DCRSR register provides debug access to the ARM core registers, special-purpose registers, and Floating-point extension registers. A write to DCRSR specifies the resister to transfer.
Table 8 DCRSR bit assignments
0 = read; 1= write
Specifies the ARM core register, special-purpose register, or Floating-point extension register, to transfer: R0-R12, SP, LR, DebugReturnAddr, xPSR, MSP, PSP, etc.
DebugReturnAddress is the address of the first instruction to be executed on exit from Debug state.
6.3. Debug Core Register Data Register, DCRDR
DCRDR register provides debug access to ARM core register, special-purpose registers,and Floating-point extension registers. The DCRDR is the data register for these accesses.
Use of DCRSR and DCRDR
·         To transfer a data word to an ARM core register, special-purpose register, orFloating-point extension register, a debugger:
o    Writes the required word to DCRDR.
o    Writes to the DCRSR, with the REGSEL value indicating the required register, and the REGWnR bit as 1 to indicate a write access. This write clears the DHCSR S_REGRDY bit to 0.
o    If required, polls DHCSR until DHCSR.S_REGRDY reads-as-one. This shows that the processor has transferred the DCRDR value to the selected register.
·         To transfer a data word from an ARM core register, special-purpose register, or Floating-point extension register, a debugger:
o    Writes to the DCRSR, with the REGSEL value indicating the required register, and the REGWnR bit as 0 to indicate a read access. This write clears the DHCSR.S_REGRDY bit to 0.
o    Polls DHCSR until DHCSR.S_REGRDY reads-as-one. This shows that the processor has transferred the value of the selected register to DCRDR.
o    Reads the required value from DCRDR.
6.4. Debug Exception and Monitor Control Register, DEMCR
DEMCR register manages vector catch behavior and DebugMonitor handling when debugging. Bits [23:16] provide DebugMonitor exception control. Bits [15:0] provide Debug state, halting debug, control.
Table 9 DEMCR bit assignments
Enable halting debug trap on a HardFault exception
Enable halting debug trap on a fault occurring during exception entry or exception return.
Enable halting debug trap on a BusFault exception.
Enable halting debug trap on a UsageFault exception caused by a state information error, for example an Undefined Instruction exception.
Enable halting debug trap on a UsageFault exception caused by a checking error, for example an alignment check error.
Enable halting debug trap on a UsageFault caused by an access to a Coprocessor.
Enable halting debug trap on a MemManage exception.
Enable Reset Vector Catch. This causes a Local reset to halt a running system.
Vector catch is the mechanism for generating a debug event and entering Debug state when a particular exception occurs. Vector catching is only supported by halting debug.
6.5. Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register, AIRCR
AIRCR register sets or returns interrupt control data.
Table 10 AIRCR bit assignments
Vector Key. Register writes must write 0x05FAto this field, otherwise the write is ignored.On reads, returns 0xFA05.
0 = Little endian; 1 = Big endian
Priority grouping
Writing 1 to this bit asserts a signal to the external system to request a Local reset.
Writing 1 to this bit clears all active state information for fixed and configurable exceptions.
Writing 1 to this bit causes a local system reset.
7. SRAM programing
This section demonstrate step by step how to programming internal SRAM over SWD.
7.1. Initialization
Before suing the SW-DP an initialization sequence must be performed to establish communication and bring the SW-DP to a know state.
·         Send more than 50 SWCLKTCK cycles with SWDIOTMS=1. This ensures that both SWD and JTAG are in their reset states.
·         Send the 16-bit JTAG-to-SWD select sequence on SWDIOTMS
·         Send more than 50 SWCLKTCK cycles with SWDIOTMS=1. This ensures that if SWJ-DP was already in SWD mode, before sending the select sequence, the SWD goes to line reset.
·         Perform a READID to validate that SWJ-DP has switched to SWD operation.
7.2. Halt the core
Before programming internal SRAM, the ARM Cortex M3 should first be reset and halted. It gets the core and peripherals into a know state and prohibit the core from accidentally running partial code while writing the program.
There debug and system registers and one Silabs extent AP register CHIPAP_CTRL1 are used for this purpose. CHIPAP_CTRL1 address = 0x1, APSEL = 0x0A. bit 3 core_reset_ap, To hold the CortexM3 core in reset this bit should be written to one.
The process is as follow:
·         Write 0x08 to CHIPAP_CTRL1.
·         Write 0xA05F0001 to DHCSR, which halting debug enabled.
·         Write 0x01 to DEMCR. This enable Reset Vector Catch.
·         Write 0xFA050004 to AIRCR. This reset the core.
·         Write 0x00 to CHIPAP_CTRL1.
Now the core will be halted on first instruction and all peripherals and registers will have their reset value.
7.3. Memory and core register access.
7.3.1 Access memory
·         Set 32 bit width and auto increment in CSW register.
·         Write memory address in TAR register
·         Access DRW register for read/write data.
Here is the python script example
def swd_write_mem(uda, address, data_ws, length):
    # Auto increment addresses
    uda.QueueWrite(DP_SELECT, MEMAP_BANK_0)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_CSW, 0x23000012)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_TAR, address)
    for x in range (0, length):
        uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_DRW, data_ws[x])

def swd_read_mem(uda, address, length):
    data_ws = []
    # Auto increment addresses
    uda.QueueWrite(DP_SELECT, MEMAP_BANK_0)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_CSW, 0x23000012)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_TAR, address)
    for x in range (0, length):
    return data_ws
7.3.2 Access core registers
·         Set 32 bit width in CSW register
·         Write DCRSR address into TAR register.
·         Write core register index Rn into DRW register.
·         Write DCRDR address into TAR register.
·         Read core register value from DRW register.
·         Set 32 bit width in CSW register
·         Write DCRDR address into TAR register.
·         Write core value into DRW register.
·         Write DCRSR address into TAR register.
·         Write core register index Rn and REGWnR = 1 into DRW register.
Here is the python script example
def swd_write_core_register(uda, n, val):
    uda.QueueWrite(DP_SELECT, MEMAP_BANK_0)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_CSW, 0x23000002)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_TAR, DCRDR)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_DRW, val)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_TAR, DCRSR)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_DRW, n | (1 << 16))

def swd_read_core_register(uda, n):
    uda.QueueWrite(DP_SELECT, MEMAP_BANK_0)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_CSW, 0x23000002)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_TAR, DCRSR)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_DRW, n)
    uda.QueueWrite(MEMAP_TAR, DCRDR)
    val = uda.StartTransfers()[0]
    return val
7.3.3 Programming firmware into internal SRAM
The process is followed
·         Read firmware from disk.
·         Write firmware into internal SRAM by swd_write_mem() function.
·         Read back firmware by swd_read_mem() to verify the integrity.
·         Update vector table entry in 0xe000ed08 to SRAM start position 0x20000000.
·         Update R15(PC) with reset vector address. It locates at second word position in firmware.
·         Update R13(SP) with stack address defined in first word in firmware.
·         Exist debug mode by writing 0xA05F0000 into DHCSR register.
Here is the python script example
    f = open("sim3u1xx_USBHID_ram.bin",mode = 'rb')
    data =
    swd_write_mem(uda, 0x20000000, data, len)
    swd_write_mem(uda, 0xe000ed08, 0x20000000, 1)
    swd_write_core_register(uda, 15, data[1]& 0xFFFFFFFE)
    swd_write_core_register(uda, 13, data[0])
    write_AHB(uda, DHCSR, 0xA05F0000)
Then we can see firmware runs from internal SRAM.
8. Source code
9. Reference
·         Adi5 ARM Debug Interface v5 Architecture Specification.
·         Adi51 ARM Debug Interface v5 Architecture Specification ADIv5.1 Supplement.
·         Cm3trm Cortex-M3 Revision r2p1 Technical Reference Manual
·         ARMv7-M ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual
·         CoreSight DAP-Lite CoreSight DAP-Lite Technical Reference Manual
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Copyright (c) 2014 Mark Ding(
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.