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May 23, 2012

Arm Cortex M3 instruction cycle

1.    Here I write a simple test C code, we have two short int(16bit) variables and three int(32bit) variables.
unsigned int lt1 = 0x12345678,lt2=0xaabbccdd,lt3=0xabcdef12;
unsigned short t1=0xabcd,t2=0x6789;
void my_test()
   lt1 = t1 * t2;
   lt1 = lt2 / t1;
   lt3 = lt1 / lt2;

2.    Variable memory map, it is helpful to understand the assembly code behavior below.
 .data.lt1      0x20000c00        0x4 ./src/main.o
                0x20000c00                lt1
.data.lt2      0x20000c04        0x4 ./src/main.o
                0x20000c04                lt2
.data.lt3      0x20000c08        0x4 ./src/main.o
                0x20000c08                lt3
.data.t1       0x20000c0c        0x2 ./src/main.o
                0x20000c0c                t1
.data.t2       0x20000c0e        0x2 ./src/main.o
                0x20000c0e                t2

3.    Assembly code was attached here.

20000590: my_test+0           push {r7}
20000592: my_test+2           add r7, sp, #0

204                            lt1 = t1 * t2;
# load t1 value from 0x20000c0c address into r3 core register.
20000594: my_test+4           movw r3, #3084  ; 0xc0c
20000598: my_test+8           movt r3, #8192  ; 0x2000
2000059c: my_test+12          ldrh r3, [r3, #0]
# move r3 contents to r2
2000059e: my_test+14          mov r2, r3
# load t2 value from 0x20000c0e address into r3 core register.
200005a0: my_test+16          movw r3, #3086  ; 0xc0e
200005a4: my_test+20          movt r3, #8192  ; 0x2000
200005a8: my_test+24          ldrh r3, [r3, #0]
# Multiply t1 and t2 and save it into r2
200005aa: my_test+26          mul.w r3, r3, r2
200005ae: my_test+30          mov r2, r3
# save r2 value into lt1 0x20000c00 address
200005b0: my_test+32          movw r3, #3072  ; 0xc00
200005b4: my_test+36          movt r3, #8192  ; 0x2000
200005b8: my_test+40          str r2, [r3, #0]

205                            lt1 = lt2 / t1;
# load lt2 value from 0x20000c04 address into r2
200005ba: my_test+42          movw r3, #3076  ; 0xc04
200005be: my_test+46          movt r3, #8192  ; 0x2000
200005c2: my_test+50          ldr r2, [r3, #0]
# load t1 value from 0x20000c0c address into r3
200005c4: my_test+52          movw r3, #3084  ; 0xc0c
200005c8: my_test+56          movt r3, #8192  ; 0x2000
200005cc: my_test+60          ldrh r3, [r3, #0]
# Lt2 Divde t1 and result lt1 0x20000c000
200005ce: my_test+62          udiv r2, r2, r3
200005d2: my_test+66          movw r3, #3072  ; 0xc00
200005d6: my_test+70          movt r3, #8192  ; 0x2000
200005da: my_test+74          str r2, [r3, #0]

206                            lt3 = lt1 / lt2;
# load lt1 value from 0x20000c00 address into r2
200005dc: my_test+76          movw r3, #3072  ; 0xc00
200005e0: my_test+80          movt r3, #8192  ; 0x2000
200005e4: my_test+84          ldr r2, [r3, #0]
# load lt2 value from 0x20000c04 address into r3
200005e6: my_test+86          movw r3, #3076  ; 0xc04
200005ea: my_test+90          movt r3, #8192  ; 0x2000
200005ee: my_test+94          ldr r3, [r3, #0]
# Lt1 divde lt2 and result in lt3 0x20000c08
200005f0: my_test+96          udiv r2, r2, r3
200005f4: my_test+100         movw r3, #3080  ; 0xc08
200005f8: my_test+104         movt r3, #8192  ; 0x2000
200005fc: my_test+108         str r2, [r3, #0]

207                            while(1);
200005fe: my_test+110         b.n 0x200005fe

4.    Instruction timing, we can get reference from “DDI0337E_cortex_m3_r1p1_trm.pdf”, Chapter 18, about instruction timing.

20000594: my_test+4           movw r3, #3084  ; 0xc0c
# movw 1 cycle
20000598: my_test+8           movt r3, #8192  ; 0x2000
#movt 1 cycle
2000059c: my_test+12          ldrh r3, [r3, #0]
#ldrh 2 cycles
2000059e: my_test+14          mov r2, r3
#mov 1 cycle
200005a0: my_test+16          movw r3, #3086  ; 0xc0e
# movw 1 cycle
200005a4: my_test+20          movt r3, #8192  ; 0x2000
# movt 1 cylce
200005a8: my_test+24          ldrh r3, [r3, #0]
# ldrh 2 cycles
200005aa: my_test+26          mul.w r3, r3, r2
# mul 1 cycle
200005ae: my_test+30          mov r2, r3
# move 1 cycle
200005b0: my_test+32          movw r3, #3072  ; 0xc00
# movw 1 cycle
200005b4: my_test+36          movt r3, #8192  ; 0x2000
#movt 1 cycle
200005b8: my_test+40          str r2, [r3, #0]
# str 1 cycle
So ” lt1 = t1 * t2;” total cycles is 1+1+2+1+1+1+2+1+1+1+1+1 = 14 cycles
   And with same way we go other two equation instruction cycles
   “lt1 = lt2 / t1;” total cycles is 13 cycles
   “lt3 = lt1 / lt2;” total cycles is 13 cycles
5.    Conclusion:
Below result is not exactly same as real situation. Consider pipeline flush, pipeline interrupt, etc. However we can have roughly result below.
•    20Mhz, one cycle is 1/20Mhz = 50ns,
long = Int*int ;        14 * 50 = 700 ns
long = long/int        13 * 50 = 650 ns
long = long/long      13 * 50 = 650 ns

•    80Mhz, one cycle is 1/80Mhz = 12.5ns,
long = Int*int ;        14 * 12.5 = 175 ns
long = long/int        13 * 12.5 = 162.5 ns
long = long/long      13 * 12.5 = 162.5 ns

May 16, 2012

Ruby access UART under Windows7

1. Download DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.2-20111229-1559-sfx and rubyinstaller-1.9.3-p125.exe

Install Ruby first.

2. Install DevKit
a. $cd
b. $ruby dk.rb init.
c. $ruby dk.rb review
d. $ruby dk.rb install

3. Test Installation
Confirm your Ruby environment is correctly using the DevKit by running
"$gem install rdiscount --platform=ruby". RDiscount should install correctly
and you should see "Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit..." in the screen
messages. Next run $ruby -rubygems -e "require 'rdiscount'; puts'**Hello RubyInstaller**').to_html"
to confirm that the rdiscount gem is working.

4. Install serial port gem
$ gem sources -a
$ gem install serialport

5. Get serialport document

6. Test device board uart function   
Prepare one MCU card, download firmware with UART example code.
it will send back characters come from PC uart console. Use Putty
test uart, it works.

7. Write ruby uart test code.
require "serialport"

port_str = 3 
baud_rate = 9600
data_bits = 8
stop_bits = 1
parity = SerialPort::NONE

sp =, baud_rate, data_bits, stop_bits, parity)

#just read forever
while true do
  printf("%c", sp.getc)

8. Test ruby uart function
$ ruby uart.rb
it works.
We are done.

May 7, 2012

Eclipse Shortcuts

a.       Content Assist  ------    “Alt + /” , this help to complete your content.
b.      Open Declaration  ----  “F3”,  jump to function, variable or macro declaration.
c.       Forward History  ---- “ALT + Right”, Move forward in the editor navigation history
d.      Backward History --- “ALT + Left”, Move backward in the editor navigation history
e.      Macro expansion. Move mouse cursor on any macro, it will shows fully expansion window of the macro, here is the snapshot.

f.        Open Call Hierarchy  --- “CTRL+ALT+H”. Here is the snapshot.

g.       The mother of all eclipse shortcuts --- “CTRL+SHIFT+L”.

Pressing Ctrl+Shift+L again will directly open the preference page where I can edit all the shortcuts. This is really the Mother of all shortcuts!

10 Best Eclipse Shortcuts
Yes, eclipse is a very visual and GUI oriented IDE. But this does not mean that everything is mouse oriented. While programming I have my hands on the keyboard. So I want to do as much as possible with shortcuts and the keyboard. The good news is that eclipse comes with a great set of helpers built-in. Here is my list of my favorite hotkeys and shortcuts…
  1. F3 — Jumps to include file or variable declaration/definition. If you want to use the mouse for this, press the Ctrl key and hover over the source with the mouse. Shortcut for Navigate > Open Declaration.
  2. Alt+Left and Alt+Right — Navigate through my source to back and forward. Shortcuts for Navigate > Back and Navigate > Forward and Backward.
  3. Ctrl+Space — Content assist which proposes methods/member variables and more based on my typing. Start typing with a. and it will show me the struct members. Shortcut for Edit > Content Assist:

CTRL+Space: Content Assist
  1. Ctrl+3 — Quick Access let me go to views, perspectives and more. Shortcut for Window > Navigation > Quick Access:
CTRL+3: Quick Access
  1. Ctrl+M — Maximizes the current view or editor. Press Ctrl+M again and it goes back to the previous size. Shortcut for Window > Navigation > Maximize Active View or Editor.
  2. Ctrl+Shift+/ — Insert block comment, remove it again with Ctrl+Shift+\. Shortcut for Source > Add Block Comment. Depending on your keyboard layout you might re-assign this short cut (e.g. if on your keyboard ‘/’ is only reached with the Shift key).
  3. Ctrl+Shift+T — Open an element with wildcard support. Shortcut for Navigate > Open Element:

Ctrl+Shift+T: Open Element
  1. Ctrl+F7— Switch to next view. Pressing again Ctrl+F7 let you iterate to the next view. Use Ctrl+Shift+F7 for previous view. Shortcut for Window > Navigation > Next View:

Ctrl-F7: Views
  1. Ctrl+Alt+h — Opens the call hierarchy. Shortcut for Navigate > Open Call Hierarchy:

Ctrl+Alt+h: Call Hierarchy
  1. Ctrl-O — Open the Quick Outline View. Shortcut for Navigate > Quick Outline:

Ctrl+O: Quick Outline View
If you do not like the shortcuts (or key bindings): go to Window > Preferences > General > Keys and change the bindings:

Key Bindings